Relationship Roller Coaster: Attachment Styles and What to Do

Have you been feeling the roller coaster effect in your dating or marriage relationship? Perhaps there are periods of closeness where the two of you feel safe and connected. But these times are inevitably followed by someone pulling back, or by hurt and conflict. After a while, the closeness comes back but you know the downward plummet will eventually come again, and you feel stuck riding the relationship roller coaster.

What’s in Your Basement?

We all have a hidden space in our lives, like a basement, where we store wounds we’d rather keep hidden. It might hold painful memories or feelings of guilt, shame, and regret. It’s a scary place, one we’d typically avoid sharing with others. However, I believe God didn’t intend for us to face this alone. He wants us to invite someone in to walk with us through the darkness.

Strong Relationships and Trauma Counseling

Welcome to another enriching episode of MyCounselorLIVE Strong Relationships and Trauma Counseling! Today, we are privileged to have Christian Therapist Robbin Jackson as our distinguished guest, here to explore the intricate dynamics of relationships and the profound impact they have on our lives.

Conversations to Avoid a Wedding Night Nightmare

Congratulations, you have found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and are going to get married! Sitting down with your future spouse and dialoguing through different topics will help you both feel more prepared, and calm some of the nerves around the wedding night and the first experience of sex together.