Body Positivity and Body Neutrality

Body positivity is a widely used term in society and on social media, with numerous posts dedicated to this movement across platforms. It involves accepting and loving your body regardless of its appearance. Conversely, body neutrality is gaining popularity, focusing on accepting the body for its functionality rather than its appearance. While body positivity emphasizes loving one’s body regardless of how it looks, body neutrality appreciates the body for what it can do.

What’s in Your Basement?

We all have a hidden space in our lives, like a basement, where we store wounds we’d rather keep hidden. It might hold painful memories or feelings of guilt, shame, and regret. It’s a scary place, one we’d typically avoid sharing with others. However, I believe God didn’t intend for us to face this alone. He wants us to invite someone in to walk with us through the darkness.

Body Language – Three Ways for Christian Women to Improve Their Sex Life Today

Enhancing your sex life might seem daunting, lonely, or intimidating. You’re eager to enhance enjoyment, foster intimacy, and explore pleasure with your spouse, but you’re unsure where to begin. How much time will it require, and where can you seek guidance as a Christian woman aiming to honor your moral values while embracing the gift of sex within marriage?

Free Sex Therapy Help 

In this article you’ll find a list of free sex therapy resources often recommended by Christian Sex therapists. Not every couples needs sex therapy. Sometimes connecting with a good self-help resources is all you need to get things back on track.

Four things you should tell your daughter about the female body

Frequently, discussions about our bodies either don’t occur or are filled with shame and confusing metaphors. Many women grow up without understanding their bodies and the incredible way God designed us to experience our cycles, sexual pleasure, and sometimes pregnancy. I hope these five tips will assist those beginning conversations with their daughters about their bodies and also those who long to learn more about their own bodies and the amazing creator behind it all.

Trauma: An Overview

Trauma refers to a range of negative experiences that result from physical or psychological harm, or the threat of harm, to oneself or to those we love.