When God Says To Care For Yourself

I write this article because I have encountered many faithful, inspiring, powerful men and woman of the Lord who for some reason do not believe that caring for themselves matters to God. For years they have functioned under the belief that they were last on the list of people to care for because this what was righteous or godly.

When Combat Trauma Impacts Your Marriage

Military life can be exhilarating with many perks of travel, education, national pride, and financial benefits for the whole family. However, it is not without its share of challenges when service members are called away for training rotations, combat, long work days, missed special occasions, and the many last-minute PCS moves for the whole family.

Single Sexuality

Very rarely is sexuality discussed in churches, especially in a singles environment. I think it would be helpful to explore what God’s vision for sex is, and what that means for Christians…

Why Sex is So Important to Men

Why is sex so important to my husband? In 4 out of 5 marriages men have the higher sex drive and are the primary initiator of sexual experiences. If you are in one of these marriages this comes as no surprise to you. It may seem like your husband is constantly wanting sex and acts like a wounded puppy dog if you’re not in the mood.