Faith-Based Online Therapy

Overwhelmed. Sad. Unmotivated.

You were created to thrive not just survive, MyCounselor helps Individuals. Couples. Teens.

Discover. Transform. Live.

before time began, God held you in His heart and smiled

Current Depression Stat*

According to the latest data, Billings, Montana is revealed as the U.S. city with the highest amount of depression sufferers; specifically 31% out of a population of 181,000 people have been diagnosed by professionals.

*According to CEUfast

What is Depression

Depression can be an overwhelming and life-altering experience. Known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it is a mood disorder that triggers persistent feelings of sadness and disinterest in activities once enjoyed. Depression has the power to affect one's thoughts, emotions and behavior, as well as lead to numerous physical problems.

You’re Not Alone

While depression can be immensely isolating, it's important to remember that God is always there with you and will never abandon you. The good news is He's here for the long haul! MyCounselor will help you overcome being anxious or depressed. Life is too short and precious to waste.

Sign up today, we provide services and resources to the following presenting issues:

including depression, anxiety, self-care, and more...

So what's next? It's time to get matched...

How it works
Scheduling a Matching Meeting

We want to get you into a meeting with one of our incredible Matching Specialists. This form walks you through picking a time in your time zone that fits your schedule.

You will be asked for some information about the issues you are concerned about.

By using the presenting issues above, you can help the Matching Specialist narrow in on a good potential counselor who is well-versed in that issue.

Talk to a
Matching Specialist

Our Matching Specialists are there to make finding a counselor a more personal experience. They know that taking a step toward counseling is not easy.

In the Matching Meeting, the Specialists is there to answer any questions that you may have. They will pair you with a counselor that deals with your presenting issues as well as fits your schedule.

Get Matched with your Ideal Counselor

Once you and your specialist have gone over your questions and options, the next step is getting you set up with your first session.

We cannot wait for you to get into a session with the counselor you were paired with and get started on your journey to a better and Thriving you.

We want to get you into a meeting with one of our incredible Matching Specialists. This form walks you through picking a time in your time zone that fits your schedule.

You will be asked for some information about the issues you are concerned about.

By using the presenting issues above, you can help the Matching Specialist narrow in on a good potential counselor who is well-versed in that issue.

Our Matching Specialists are there to make finding a counselor a more personal experience. They know that taking a step toward counseling is not easy.

In the Matching Meeting, the Specialists is there to answer any questions that you may have. They will pair you with a counselor that deals with your presenting issues as well as fits your schedule.

We want to get you into a meeting with one of our incredible Matching Specialists. This form walks you through picking a time in your time zone that fits your schedule.

You will be asked for some information about the issues you are concerned about.

By using the presenting issues above, you can help the Matching Specialist narrow in on a good potential counselor who is well-versed in that issue.

discover our “5-Star Experience”
the world's only online christian counseling service with a 100% risk-free guarantee